Sunday, July 26, 2009

Whew! We Work HARD!

We spent this last week installing new shelves (eight of them!), and opening boxes - it's been like Christmas around here! A total of just over 2200 books have been added to the database - Classics, Romance, Westerns, Self Help, Mysteries and Sci-fi made up the largest numbers - but there were lots of history, education and Autobios as well.

We're working as fast as we can to fill the shelves - stop by or visit the website soon to get the first pick before the one you really wanted gets snapped up!....... 300 boxes will go faster then you think!

See you soon!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Sunshine State

We have made our last official trip to Florida! For those of you who are new to us.... we bought a bookstore in Florida - 70,000 books! One of those, too good to pass up kinda deals. We packed it, stored it, loaded it on to a container truck, it was hauled here by train where we unloaded it - and now - FINALLY we'll be adding the books to our growing store! The last load that we hauled up here was 11,800 lbs - whew, do I feel strong or what??

You might want to plan on visiting the store to pick up a book or twelve....

I don't know - I'm just saying.