Sunday, April 18, 2010


Where does the time go? Seems like I look at the calendar and it's the first of the month - then somehow its the 20th.

Things are hopping at the store right now - we had our children's book fair - it was a smashing success! Thanks to everyone who came, browsed and bought. I'll definitely have to do that again.

We're now running like mad to all the spring book events and then spending every waking moment getting the books into the database and on the shelves as quickly as possible. There have been some great finds this month - a ton of great quilting books, about 1500 mysteries, more then 2000 romances, the children's section has been completely re-worked and is stuffed with great books, the inspirational fiction shelves are literally overloaded with with some of the best picks we've had in a loooong time, I even managed to get a great deal on some audio books - nice new ones!!

So, take a little time out of your hectic spring schedule - plan your summer vacation, projects etc... and stop by and see us!