Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Book Season

Spring is an especially great time to be in the book business. I spend most of my days rushing to get to one sale or another where I'll stand in line with hundreds of other people waiting for an event to start. This is some of the most fun I have, I love people! I love to talk to people, listen to people, watch people. Book lovers are some of the best people to spend time with - they are far and away my most favorite form of entertainment. I can stand in line for two hours and have conversations with dozens of people on dozens of topics ranging from favorite authors or books to politics, religion, food, weather, clothing styles, travel tips, music, science, history or any of a million other topics. It's an amazing education, I always come away feeling as though I've expanded my core of knowledge - and then I get to do my most favorite thing -- buy more books for all my favorite people!
This spring has been loads of fun - there are tons of new books out by both, old favorites and new names in the book world, so it's been a great good time hunting up the best of all of them to stock the store with. I'm excited to be filling the shelves with literally thousands of new books after a long winter of waiting.... waiting.... waiting... for the Spring!!
Take a few minutes to drop me a line - let me know what you've been reading that you liked, loved or loathed! I'll pass along you're advice to all the other booklovers I come in contact with!

My personal favorite right this minute is - Jasper Fforde - too much nursery crime fun!! Who knew that the Gingerbread Man was a bad guy???



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