Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Happy Jolly! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Wow! I spent yesterday holiday shopping with two of my kids. I have to say, anyone who tells you the economy is in the tank and that we aren't spending money hasn't been to a mall in America this week!

It was literally a river of people gliding, rushing and burbling along through the stores. Everyone seemed in good spirits and there were tons of sales. We found some really great deals, Target especially seemed to have lowered prices on an awful lot of stuff - toys, electronics and housewares. It was really pleasant to see so many people smiling and preparing for one of the best holidays we have.

I hope this post finds you all smiling as well - hopefully this holiday season will be one of good cheer and good times with family and friends.

Best Wishes & Cheers!

Page Master Used Books

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