Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What?! No, we're NOT Barnes & Nobel!

One of our customers asked me if I wanted to be like Barnes & Nobel - I think I might have been insulted. Something I learned a long time ago - don't go where you're not wanted! I have no desire to be one of the 'big box' stores.

What I do want, and have been striving to attain for the last fourteen years is to be exactly what people want in a used bookstore! I think I have it a pretty good idea of what you guys are looking for -

This                                                                                                                            Not this

I'm feeling like we're pretty close to having what you want *big grin!* -- If you need\want anything else you'll let us know, right?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Love January!

     January at the bookstore is a great month - all the people who got gift cards for Christmas come in to collect their loot. People buying stuff with someone else's money is truly a fun thing to watch!

     January is also our time to make changes to the store - we go through the inventory - clear out the old stuff, rearrange the stuff that needs more (or less!) space, add new stuff and generally check the lay out. I love this part of the job because it makes everything seem new again.

     The other good thing about January, it's when I start to look for new authors to read. I don't want to get stuck in a Reading Rut ~ only reading one or two authors that I love and waiting in frustration for their next book to come out. I read reviews, talk to the customers, listen to the book channel on my XM radio in the car and visit all the bookstores. The goal is to find at least five new authors - these can be authors who have been around a long time or the newbies on the bookshelves.

     So far this year's list is shaping up pretty well -- 

Jenna Blum ~ Those Who Save Us
John Hart ~ The Last Child
David Liss ~  several titles of historical mysteries (I can't wait!)
Nancy Taylor Rosenberg ~ legal thrillers that I love!
Jasper Fforde ~ The Eyre Affair (and other really crazy literary mysteries)
Belva Plain ~ I know, been around forever -- but I've only read one!
Stephanie Laurens ~ historical romances with humor & hunky guys (whew!)

That's a good start don't you think? If anyone has any great ideas or suggestions to add to the list - reply to this post - you should share!

