Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What?! No, we're NOT Barnes & Nobel!

One of our customers asked me if I wanted to be like Barnes & Nobel - I think I might have been insulted. Something I learned a long time ago - don't go where you're not wanted! I have no desire to be one of the 'big box' stores.

What I do want, and have been striving to attain for the last fourteen years is to be exactly what people want in a used bookstore! I think I have it a pretty good idea of what you guys are looking for -

This                                                                                                                            Not this

I'm feeling like we're pretty close to having what you want *big grin!* -- If you need\want anything else you'll let us know, right?


  1. I don't even want to know where that 'other' store is!

  2. Face it, you've been in stores like that one on the right.... dimly lit, books in no particular order, books piled and heaped everywhere.

  3. I love pagemaster!!!!!!!

  4. Well, Judy (Mark and Ronda), you all did a great job with your recent purchases. I was again able to find books I was interested in, which BTW I could *never* find at B&N and the like. That's reason enough not to be like the big boxes!

    Question for you Judy: I see that in the right hand column here on the blog that there a list entitled "Read it - Loved it" in which there is a book listed as "David Liss - Conspiracy of Paper". Yet, I could not find this book in the store. Mark tried to find it too and couldn't. Can you find it there now? If you do find it, please hold it for me under the name Rick Hanson. I'll check on it Saturday. Thanks!

  5. I love you guys!!

    @Rick - I think we have three David Liss titles in the store at the moment - they're up front on the Bestseller shelf - See ya Saturday!

  6. Thanks Judy! I have a retraction: Mark tried to find "Commercial Paper" for me, not "Conspiracy of Paper". Sorry Mark! However, I will be in soon (maybe not Saturday due to the projected heavy snowfall) to get Liss's book anyway. ;-) Thanks, and stay safe from the storm! --Rick
