Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bigger ~ Better ~ More!

Spring is finally here! I love warm weather, it makes me want to start new projects. Right now is a great time to start new projects because we had a bit of a flood at the store last week during the three day rain event.

So, our new store will be even newer! We've had new plumbing done this week, we're expecting the construction and carpet crews first of the week. As soon as they finish, we'll start to set up for the Childrens Book Fair which will be April 1,2 &3 during regular store hours. There will be hundreds of new books at 50% or more off cover, as well as used books in great shape at our usual great prices. Mark your calendar, bring a friend or two and plan to stop in for a fun event!

The other fun news.... we're adding new shelving up front - and on that shelving will be our new Video Game section - we've got almost 700 games to get things rolling! Another good reason to stop by don't you think?

See ya soon!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Shared Space

We're sharing our store with some interesting businesses this month.

The Sheridan School Mountain Campus is hosting an open house this month at their amazing camp near Rileyville, VA off about 5 miles from Luray. The camp is 130 acres of woods, mountains, water, adventure and serious fun. If you're planning on sending your kids to summer camp this year, don't miss out on the opportunity to check out Sheridan. Next time you're in the store pick-up their brochure at the front counter. Your kids will love you for it! (can you picture a 500ft zip line?)

Our Meet the Locals guest for March is Hands to Create ~ a bead and pottery business owned by Tammy Coffman, located on Main St in Front Royal. Tammy's shop is full of beautiful, colorful beads and ceramic supplies. She does classes, camps and workshops as well as hosting all manner of parties. Stop in to see some of her work and pick up information about upcoming events.

April is shaping up to be a busy month at the store - we're planning a children's bookfair for April 1,2 &3 - there will hundreds of new and nearly new childrens and young adult books. Plan now to stop in - and watch your email for updates!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Clubs

     Get ready! In the next couple days we'll be sending out this years Book Club suggestion list.
The list will cover ideas for book club reads for all ages and genres.

     You still have time to help put the list together! If you've read anything recently that you think would make for some lively discussion - send it along to me! It doesn't have to be a new book, it just has to be a book that you you've probably already told friends about, or had discussions about. You can send your suggestions by simply posting a reply to this Blog below.

     While we're on the subject of Book Clubs.... if you belong to one  and would like to advertise for more members, send us the info - when you meet, where, what you're reading, etc.... and we'll be happy to post the info at the store and in our newsletter!

     Thanks in advance for your help!
