Monday, March 1, 2010

Book Clubs

     Get ready! In the next couple days we'll be sending out this years Book Club suggestion list.
The list will cover ideas for book club reads for all ages and genres.

     You still have time to help put the list together! If you've read anything recently that you think would make for some lively discussion - send it along to me! It doesn't have to be a new book, it just has to be a book that you you've probably already told friends about, or had discussions about. You can send your suggestions by simply posting a reply to this Blog below.

     While we're on the subject of Book Clubs.... if you belong to one  and would like to advertise for more members, send us the info - when you meet, where, what you're reading, etc.... and we'll be happy to post the info at the store and in our newsletter!

     Thanks in advance for your help!



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