Sunday, June 28, 2009

Learning Mode

The only road to success is through failure. ~Thomas Edison

He ought to know, right?

I'm in learning mode right now. I have been attending marketing workshops with the wonderful, helpful, knowledgeable folks at SCORE - love those guys! I love learning - I want to know everything, so whenever I can fit it into my schedule I try to spend time learning something new. I'm hoping it will help keep my brain from shriveling up into a tiny walnut! Sometimes it's related to the business but other times I just want to learn how to do new stuff, or I have to learn new stuff because my kids got involved in something that required my interaction - archery, forestry, birding, jewelry making - the list is endless and I suppose thats a good thing because if I reach the end of the list of things I want to learn it's probably time to die!

Read books ~ Learn!

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