Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I was walking this morning, trying to work off the ice cream I promised myself I wasn't going to eat anymore, and when I got over the guilt about that, (took about 10 seconds!) - I moved on to more important stuff.

I was, as usual trying to come up some interesting way to promote my business. I feel as though I can't just sit and do nothing, I'm sure someone younger, (half the population!) more energetic or with a better idea will come along and run me out of town on a rail. I worry that the economy will drive me into the dirt, or worse, my own ignorance will do it!

So, I read a lot of books about running a business, being more creative, thinking differently or working smarter. I subscribe to Blogs, get newsletters or email, I visit other businesses to see what they're doing better then me (that's a long list!) and I listen to my customers.

From that whole list the most important advice I get is from the customers - I love all the people who come to the store or use the website, you guys give the best advice and are the most help to maintaining the business. I answered the phone yesterday and a gentlemen with a wonderful Texas drawl told me that he'd been trying to order some books on my website but there was a problem that I should check into. Two minutes with my website tech and the problem was solved - but I might not have found it for days if it hadn't been for my customer.

Don't assume that we don't want to hear from you ~ WE DO! We want to know what you think about everything - the store, the books, the website, this Blog, the newsletter, our service - anything and everything - if you're willing to take a moment to share what you know - we're willing to hear it and try to make things better!

Speak Up! Speak Out! Share! We want to give you what you want most in a bookstore - you just have to tell us what it is!

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Give us a call: 888-300-9548
Drop by the store! 904 John Marshall Hwy, Front Royal VA 22630

Friday, October 16, 2009

What I Learned From the Wedding of the Century

So, my daughter got married last Sunday, I survived the ordeal and I'm here to tell you that throwing a wedding is probably right at the top of my list of "Holy Cow! Events"... In case you haven't had the pleasure yet, I thought I'd share some helpful tips about what I learned along the way.

1. No matter how organized you think you are, no matter how many lists you make, no matter how many meetings you have, emails you fire back and forth, phone calls you conference, books you read or advisors you have - you are going to forget stuff.

2. No matter how many times you say, "I will NEVER act like so-and-so's mom!" - yes, you will.

3. No matter how many times you say, "I will not pay that much for....." - yes, you will.

4. No matter how many fittings you go to - you will cry when you see your daughter in the dress.

5. Surround yourself with friends and family, keep smiling, ask for help, plead for help - and no matter what else you say no to - say a resounding, "yes!" - to the open bar.

6. PS - get an amazing photographer - you will be stunned at the stuff you miss!

At this point - you should all be feeling very sorry for me - and you should all run down to the bookstore and buy at least $10.00 worth of books to help me feel better.