Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Woes of Snow - with a Bassett

Unless you live in a cave you've probably heard about the snow we had this weekend. Here in my little town in Virginia it measured about 20" - a ton by anyones standards, except maybe Alaska. We've had a truckload of snow this winter, which normally I don't mind too much. I get more reading done, catch up on chores and projects that I don't normally have time for, that sort of thing.

The worst thing about 20" of snow is that we own a 14" dog. Lucy, our bassett hound, is over 3.5 feet long measured nose to tail but only stands a little over 14" at the top of her back. She weighs about 65 lbs - we consider her to be the platypus of dogs.

She loves the snow - mostly, she loves to eat snow, but snow romping is very high on her list of fun stuff to do. Yesterday morning when we went to look for our cars and driveway, of course Lucy had to 'go' too. It quickly became obvious that Lucy was going to have an issue finding a suitable spot. Within seconds she had completely disappeared, she tried hard to eat her way out but to no avail! So, in addition to shoveling out two cars, 60 ft of driveway, sidewalks and a path to the trash cans we had to shovel out a poo room for the dog! While she whined and bayed instructions and demanded that we hurry!

For those of you who live in the northern climes - you must deal with this every winter - is there an easy solution? are you all up there digging out poo rooms? how do you find your short dogs in over 12" of snow? Send us your winter 'poo' solutions and we'll send you a $5.00 gift card for the store!

I'm going back to reading my book now.

1 comment:

  1. I too have a basset hound, Truman, but he doesn't like snow. He sticks his head out the doggie door and comes back in when he sees it. We had 30 inches on the deck and our solution was to dig pee pee paths out the door and around the yard to give him a place to "go". He didn't mind that but it sure was lots of work. :)
