Sunday, February 21, 2010

When I Wasn't Looking - I Got Old!

On the 17th of February my son whacked into a milestone, he's 29 years old. We did what families do for such events - everyone came to dinner, ate too much, sang the happy birthday song, teased him about getting old and had a generally cheerful time.

At some point, it occurred to me that if he's old at 29 ~ which is what everyone kept saying ~ what the heck does that make me?? I hit one of those milestones myself this past September - only problem is, my milestone is quite a bit further along (yes, I'm actually 50!), so I suppose that makes me ancient?

Funny, I don't feel 'old', at least not most of the time. I'm rather enjoying my current age - my kids are mostly grown, I have a wonderful business, free time to spend as I wish, hobbies I enjoy and good health. If this is how it feels to get 'old' then I'm glad I finally got here and I hope the rest of you get to be 'old' too!!

Cheers for us old folks! - Judy

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