Sunday, October 3, 2010


Wow - it's been so long since I blogged that I don't even know where to start with this!

I guess the best thing to do would be to say ~ so sorry ~ for not being better about staying in touch with all of you! But you know how it is... you put your head down to work one Tuesday and when you look up its four months later!

So, I suppose a quick update is in order. For those of you who have been hanging around with us for awhile... Ronda (our store manager of 6 years) left us. We miss her - she was so organized and very protective of the books! But our lives change and we move on... Eventually the perfect person to replace her will wander through, but in the meantime we've been floating along on our own.

I've been running all over the country (as usual) buying up all the best books for all of you. I had to take a little break in September to have my old lady hip fixed. But it went very well and I  have my groove back, which is good for you guys cause now I can buy books twice as fast! (zip! zip!)

We've made a few changes here in the store - nothing major - just a little house cleaning, a bit of re-arranging and some shelf additions. Always looking to make things perfect for you! We've expanded the movie section which everyone seems to really love - and we added the video games this year as well - also a very popular addition.

If you haven't visited in awhile or checked out the website in over a month you might want to take a peek or drop in - - I'm just saying.... you don't want to miss anything fabulous do you?

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